Activity 5: Application - Game On - Onlineatopia!

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Step One☝

Read the below scenario. 

Many students enjoy online gaming. However, have you ever been in a game when the conduct of other players has not been acceptable? 

Assume you have been asked by a gaming company to create five essential rules for safe online conduct of avatars in a virtual world called 'Onlineatopia'. 

In Onlineatopia, avatars work, trade, interact and live. The main goal of the game is to help others, create wealth and build a home. There will be a diverse range of ages using Onlineatopia, however mainly children are aged between 7-12.

Onlineatopia has been running for six months but there are currently no rules for appropriate conduct. This has resulted in fights and disagreements between the avatars and users.

Rules are needed quickly! 

Some of the problems users have said have arisen include:

  • One avatar has been stealing the property of another avatar. At the moment there are no punishments for this conduct. 
  • There is no one to mediate disputes on issues that arise between avatars. 
  • Some avatars are not being paid the same amount for working the same jobs. 
  • There have been some virtual physical fights between avatars in the past. 
  • The game is free to download, but there are in game purchases that can be made. Some users have been making hundreds of dollars of purchases without parental consent. 

Step Two✌

Your task is to draw on your knowledge regarding the rule of law to create a set of five rules for conduct in Onlineatopia and teach these to users of Onlineatopia, through a Loom Video. Assume this Video will be included in Onlineatopia and must be watched by all children before they are allowed to start the game.  

These rules must reflect the principles of the rule of law studied in Activities 1-4 and need to be adapted for this unique online environment.  You should consider some of the problems that have arisen in formulating your rules. 

Please record a video using Loom to tell online users what the five rules are and how they reflect the principles underlying the rule of law. Your video should be no longer than five minutes and can be presented in any way that you think is creative and engaging for users. Please share the link to your video with me. You can create a free account with Loom below:

Link to Loom

Over to you - Game On!


Some users suggest that new entrants to Onlineatopia should not have the same rights as long term residents of Onlineatopia. Would a law drafted to reflect this satisfy the principles of the rule of law? Include your thoughts as part of your Loom presentation.  

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